As well as running group and individual 8-week mindfulness training courses focussing on ‘Mindfulness for Health’ and ‘Mindfulness for Stress’, I offer a bespoke and personal service bringing together my experience as a CEO, director, management coach, mindfulness teacher, and change management practitioner to help you, or your organisation, to identify your current needs, and challenges, and to move positively and proactively forward. I work with senior leaders as well as providing wellbeing support to staff teams, helping to develop a healthy working environment. I also work with individuals, often with complex lives, and provide a service for those who have found traditional talking therapies difficult or hard to engage with.
If you think that I might be able to help you, your organisation, or your organisation’s clients, please get in touch for a chat.
“During 2022 and 2023 WCVA embarked on the first part of a change programme that we knew would include restructuring the organisation and some job losses. In planning this work our Trustee Board encouraged us to work to a number of design principles that included open and transparent communication, honesty and kindness.
We wanted everyone who either had to or chose to leave us to “leave well” and likewise, colleagues who were staying in roles to “stay well”.
We developed a package of support available to all staff. This included access to counselling, training and development, coaching and mindfulness.
We had previous positive experience of mindfulness as an approach to change management and therefore it felt completely appropriate to ensure that staff were offered the opportunity either individually or in group work to consider the benefits of mindful practice and reflection.
Calm consideration, engaging with change as a natural life course and practicing self care were reinforced at our weekly staff meetings. No change programme runs completely smoothly, but the feedback from our staff team, via formal consultation, independent feedback and ongoing developments indicate that mindfulness had a very positive impact.
As we continue our change and development activities, mindfulness will remain a part of our future support and practice.”
Ruth Marks, CEO, Wales Council for Voluntary Action.